Re: Science Education crisis

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 05, 1997 at 22:54:32:

In Reply to: Re: Science Education crisis posted by Tyler Bradley on January 05, 1997 at 21:31:33:

: I do not take any of the "Big Black Book" as literal. I read it as literature; it is creative writing and poetry. There are a few examples in history where literary artists intuited the possible before science

The value which I see in the Bible are its stories and parables when they are taken as such, not as literal truth of reality. As I've stated before is that one can lead a good and full life if one one wants to base it on the life lessons in the Bible, but one shouldn't take it as absolute truth about the world and the universe. Just because it has much actual history and locations in it doesn't mean that ALL of it is true or even accurate.

: Actually, observatons in high energy physics has shown us that gravity was no present in the very earliest stages of development. Therefore matter was not either b/c matter is necessary to bend spacetime. The once the energy has cooled from adiabatic expansion several-fold, then electrostatic attraction of the fundamental particles forced the light elements of hydrogen and helium. So there is evidence to support the theory of pure energy at inception. As I had said, matter crystallized from it later on (still in the femtosecond order of magnitude).

Matter and energy are just different states of the same thing. How about plasma? From what I've read is that it is the most common form of matter/energy where it is both and neither. Yet, it is rare on the surface of the Earth.

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